
Mag. Dr. Gerlinde Mauerer

Head of the project

T: +43-1-4277-49222


In her work, she primarily uses  empirical social research. She teaches at various universities and universities of applied science in Austria. Her research focuses on gender and family studies, masculinities, sociology of health and social inequalities.

Izabela Janssen-Wnorowska, MA BA BA

Project team member (01.03.2021-31.03.2023)


Ongoing follow-up research: MA7 2114280/2022 "Single Parenting Instead of Dual Parenting: When the Desire for Gender-Equal Parethood Clashes With the Reality of Single Parenthood" 

Doctoral studies in Social Sciences, University of Vienna: "Migration and Dwelling: Coexistence and Conflicts in Municipal Housing in Vienna".

Master's degree in translation and bachelor's degree in sociology at the University of Vienna, bachelor's degree in applied linguistics at the University of Warsaw.